
Reclaim Our Mission

Reclaim Our Mission

Saturday, April 5th, 2025

Christ The King Center

575 Burton Road, Greenwich, NY

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Mark your calendar and plan to join us for a one-day conference to plan a future for our Emmaus community or say goodbye to our Emmaus community.


Your attendance and participation is vital to the continuation of our Living Waters Emmaus community!


Doc Hall from Emmaus Ministries national office will be our guest speaker, presenting us with an experience called “Reclaiming Our Mission”.  This program was developed to help support communities like ours rebuild and restore a viable community working toward our mission –

Renewing Christian disciples and strengthening local churches.

We’ll start the day with music and prayer. Our guest speaker, Doc Hall, will lead a discussion about the current condition of our Emmaus community and offer ideas and tools used by other Emmaus communities to successfully continue the mission of developing leaders in their local churches. Lunch will be provided, and committees will form to plan for future meetings.

The current Emmaus Board of Directors recently decided to move forward as a Steering Committee. Our community leadership has experienced a lack of participation that resulted in this decision. The future of this community will be decided by a new commitment from members of our Emmaus community; please help us rebuild.

  You can learn more about this on April 5th, or feel free to reach out to any of the following people:


Gail Aiken –                              Julie Pratt –

Rick Golding –       Brenda Schermerhorn –

Ed Hackett –                                   Bonnie Sennett –

Dave Houck –                         Phyllis Shook –

Melanie Keith –                        Leonard Van Ryn –

Terry Kelly –                              Tom Whitney –

Come help us continue our mission as the Living Waters Emmaus Community of the Adirondack and Green Mountains.

Remember – Christ is Counting on YOU!